Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well Hello!

So, what is all the fuss over this "magic fat wrap"??

The Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works Marketing is just one of the many products available to help you lose inches and become healthy from the inside out! I have created this blog to share with you about the wonderful and HEALTHY way to lose inches. I plan to keep you up to date on my progress as a new mom who WILL get back into those skinny jeans by April (giving myself 6 months, but it will come sooner!), and to share stories of how the products have helped my friends.

I first tried the Ultimate Body Applicator in December of 2008. I measured my upper thigh in 2 places (and even marked with permanent marker), the "chub rub" and "2nd butt" part of my upper thighs. After a warm shower to open my pores, I cut the wrap and put half on each leg and wore some snug workout pants to sleep. The next morning, I removed the wraps and rubbed the rest of the formula in before I remeasured. I had lost 1/2'' on each measurement! So I lost a total of an inch on each leg. When I remeasured the next day, I had lost even more! A total of 1.5'' from each leg! That's 3 inches GONE just from ONE treatment! After the 2nd day, the permanent marker had washed off so I didn't measure anymore, but I was sold. I bought a 4-pack and used one wrap per week. By New Year's, I didn't need to make any resolutions! I was wearing size 5/7 jeans very comfortably.. Where just a few weeks before I was wearing size 9/11. WOOHOOOOO!!!

In the meantime, I started using the multivitamins and the Greens
and was feeling really good-- lots of energy. I signed up as a distributor within days because I just had to get the word out about how much I love the stuff from this company!

Then, on January 21, 2009, we found out that I was expecting!! Needless to say, I stopped using the Ultimate Body Applicators, but I continued using the Greens and Vital, and started using the Regular when I needed it. We now live in Germany and have a handsome and healthy baby boy! Praise God! I had a completely natural birth after just 6 hours of labor. I only gained 26 pounds during my pregnancy, and I really think it was because my body had all the nutrients I needed so I didn't store lots of unnecessary fat... and I even gave into my not-too-frequent cravings for cookies-n-cream ice cream!!

Now, 7 weeks later, I feel great and I love being a MOMMY!! I do want to tighten my tummy back up though, so now I'm going to try a different approach while I am nursing Parker. I'm using the Defining Gel to help tighten my skin back up, and I'm going to start eating according to the FitWorks! plan, a really smart eating plan that makes sense. I'm not going to start wrapping again quite yet, because I understand that I need to have some fat stored in order to keep my sweet baby as healthy as can be while I am breastfeeding. But, when all these people come up and tell me I look great for having such a young baby, I can't help but feel good :) Thank you It Works!

NOW, check out all the products for yourself, whatever your goals are. It's almost Thanksgiving and you're probably going to be bad, so you should check out the Fat Fighter. To help boost your metabolism, try ThermoFit... And CONFIANZA if you're going to be stressing over all the to-do's during the holiday season.

Stress leads to weight gain, bad health leads to weight gain, and bad foods lead to weight gain.
Fortunately, It Works Marketing has great products to help fight all of these, so click on any of the links above and learn about them! They are also good for gifts, and you can purchase gift sets this year!


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